Part 15: Day 7 - Gameplay
Day 7: Gameplay
The loading screen changes as we proceed through the game, showing us all the departments we currently have access to. Another neat little touch.
Music: neutral 3

We've outfitted Talow with the new suit, Bishop/Mizu are getting the new guns since their Justice is high, and D.A.D. gets Mizu's old hammer and Talow's old suit. This should be fine for the day.

Our new Abnormality is another one that deals Black damage. As a reminder, the base suit has a 1.5x weakness to Black damage. On top of that, it's a ZAYIN suit and the Abnormality is a HE, so Mizu's taking another 1.2x damage on top of it.

It turns out we didn't need to worry. Her second work goes just as well.

This is A Wee Witch, a good girl who has done nothing wrong in her life. Her damage is very low for a HE abnormality, she likes Attachment and can work well with Insight and Instinct, and an Agent at 3/3/3 or better in their first three stats can work her relatively safely without a suit in order to take a lot of damage but not have any real chance of dying. Whenever we have an Agent in the right range, I'm going to have to consider having them work with her in their default suit.
Whichever work we do with A Wee Witch, Witch Work plays, which A Wee Witch will wiggle to. Working A Wee Witch again while Witch Work plays will play Witch Work again, which will stack with the Witch Work we already were hearing. It's weird.

The meltdown makes me remember that the Control Team exists, and I quickly throw everyone to work with whatever the mirror made their lowest stat-Bishop is with One Sin on Insight work, Tylana is working with Forsaken Murderer on Instinct, and Mr.Black is off to repress 1.76 MHz.

It's The Perfect Food again. Feeling cocky, I send just Mizu in to deal with them.

Guns make actually hitting these things a lot easier, though the 2-3 damage we're doing per hit means we'll need at least 12 hits to kill one of these things, and more likely need 14 or more. Realizing that this won't work well, I call in Talow and D.A.D. to help.

Mizu flees the scene while I let D.A.D. and Talow mop up. It's at this point that I zoom out to see where the other pod spawned in, and

Oh, hell. The Agent AI in this game has a lot of quirks to it, and understanding how it works is important to keeping people alive. Mr.Black was working with 1.76 when the Ordeal spawned in, and they spawned right outside his corridor. If an Agent is not given any other orders, and anything that can be suppressed is in a room they're inside of, their AI immediately changes to

I order Mr.Black to get back to the main room immediately, and he escapes by the skin of his teeth. This facility's Agents are much bulkier on the whole than a normal first loop would have, and we still would have probably lost Mr.Black if I'd noticed even 3 seconds later.
Dawn Ordeals may be an absolute joke later, but in the beginning we have to make sure to stay on top of them.

The worms hop over next to Information not long after, and since Mizu is the first one in the room she's the one they all attack.

We have to pull her back, but the worms can't hold a candle to us anymore. Now that that's over, let's unlock the rest of A Wee Witch's info.

By the time I notice it and pause, there are only 8 seconds left on the timer. Speed is more important than anything now, so I throw Bishop at the problem and hope he's quick enough to make the distance in the time I have left. One day I will stop being so careless, I swear.

I swear I'm good at this game.

Nothing else really happens, so once I'm done grabbing Laetitia's gear I call it a day.

I do want to call attention to our promotions page for once, just to point a few things out. First, we have our first rank 5 Agent! This is incredibly early, and her raw stats will let us power through any of the Dawn Ordeals so long as I equip her well. Secondly, the entire staff was promoted today!

Music: never frozen bottom flows

F-02-49: With my infinite hatred, I give you this gift.
O-03-60: You see a song in front of you. It's approaching, becoming more colorful by the second.
O-04-08: The girl begged in tears. "Mister, please cut off my feet "
Ah, here we go. This is more like a Lobotomy Corporation choice. While every other day so far had either an obvious winner or multiple good options, today everything is just

Right now, we only have one Abnormality capable of breaching. I really want us to have four of them ASAP, so -08 is out. Between -60 and -49 the choice becomes simple.

Unless it will destroy the facility, we always want the highest level Abnormality we can get.
Next time, on Lobotomy Corporation: Angela poses a hypothetical moral dilemma.
New Guidelines
New Gear

Requirements: Temperance 2

Requirements: Level 3
New Story